October 16, 2003

Something I very rarely see

I received something today in the mail that I surely was not expecting and something that comes about so very rarely that I was almost amazed at having received it. What? you may ask.

Well, it was a little letter from one of my court appointed clients that I assisted last week into getting 6 months to do with about 4 months backtime on a probation violation situation. She thanked me for my efforts and said she thought I was the most excellent attorney she had ever had. High praise from someone who still has two more months in lockdown before she gets back to real life. In actuality, 6 months was the shortest sentence that could be received for her offense per statute, so in effect, I negotiated the absolute best deal that could have been accomplished. Negotiating the absolute best deal that could be accomplished is not an easy task in Johnson County, Texas. Still, I don't receive too many thank you letters from any of my clients, and hardly ever from those who end up doing time.

Posted by notGeorge at October 16, 2003 08:53 PM | TrackBack

Just call him Rumpole :)

Posted by: Pixy Misa at October 17, 2003 12:08 AM