October 17, 2003

Five things I have learned about blogging

I was just musin' about bloggin' and came up with a few things that I learned along the way over these past several months:

  1. The lower your daily visitation rate, the easier it is to make your daily average.
  2. Very few people agree with everything posted on InstaPundit and even fewer agree with anything posted on your blog.
  3. Unless you have unlimited bandwidth in accordance with your server contract, there is such a thing as getting too many visits to your blog.
  4. You get more visitors to your blog if you have breasts, and even more if you have breasts and post a picture of them at some time.
  5. Bloggin' is fun, and although I haven't had sex in quite awhile, I am almost sure that sex is still more fun than bloggin'.

Bonus round: Blogs with nothing but pictures of kangaroos, even if the captions are funny, do not get many visits.

Posted by notGeorge at October 17, 2003 08:37 PM | TrackBack

Or at least, not many comments.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at October 19, 2003 09:46 PM

The best way to get comments (that I've found) is to make a mistake. An embarassing one is best, but any mistake will do.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at October 19, 2003 09:46 PM