George, but it seems like we go through this every week. Surely they could do something about having a Monday in every week, even if it is sometimes Tuesday. I mean as we get more and more people and there seem to be fewer and fewer jobs, is it maybe not time to readjust the normal work week? I am all for limiting the work week to 10:00am to 4:00pm - Tuesday through Thursday. I mean really, no one really works during any of the other times anyway, right?
DOG UPDATE: Comanche stayed in the compound all day and night and successfully made dog check* this morning.
*Dog Check: I open the door and check to see how many dogs instantly appear on my porch.
Posted by notGeorge at October 20, 2003 08:43 AM | TrackBackLOL! What do you do if there are extra?
Posted by: Susie at October 20, 2003 10:19 AMI guess I would have to go out and buy a bigger bag of kibble.
Posted by: Tiger at October 20, 2003 03:23 PM