October 26, 2003

Postin' from a drunken stupor

or somethin' close. Well, I decided to go to the annual Chamber of Commerce Casino Night amd was $400 ahead of the chips I got, but bought enough chips to be in the auction, but George, did the amounts were so high, I did not have enough to get what I wanted. However, I had enough to get a pretty picture of one of our fine parks someone painted and a book of Texas birds and also won a weekend of some jumping thing for youngsters ... I am sure you know what I am talking about, and some lady said she had a birthday party going on next Sunday, not tomorrow, but a week away, and wanted to buy it from me. I just gave it to her and told her to give me whatever she thought it was worth. It seems I agreed to just be at the party. Whatever. I had fun, but mostly because I drank about 6 ounces of tequila while I was there. If you knew how many times I had to backspace to redo what I have written, you might know how intoxicated I am. I wonder how Acidman blogs at all. ;) Sorry, but that is just a joke, as I have no idea if he even drinks. Oh well, guess who needs to go to bed. George, but are you smart. Yes, I am about to either go to bed or lay down here on the floor. I try not to drink much anymore, but sometimes, it seems to be part of the event. Tonight, I am pretty sure that was part of the event, so I did my part. Or at least I think so. George, I hope I didn't make a fool of myself, but if so, so what. It isn't like I am running for Governor of California (I had to retype that 5 times before I got it right) is it? Good night.

Oops, did I forget to tell you that my navel is fine, or at least it is not as intoxicated as my brain is right now. The report comes to an end, and sorry it is a bit late, but as you can see, I did find something to do last night.*

*I am not sure how many mistakes I made, so live with it. Thank you.

Posted by notGeorge at October 26, 2003 12:58 AM

Ah, a bounce house. Don't think about that hung over, whatever you do.

Glad you had fun tonight, and I hope the morning isn't too bad. Of course, I'm the sort of weird who thinks the tequila is worth the hangover...

Posted by: Deb at October 26, 2003 12:13 AM

That was hilarious...and I'm a tad bit jealous you found something to do that included tequila.

Posted by: Dawn at October 26, 2003 05:13 PM

Damn boy, you're even funnier toasted than you are sober! ;-)

*sigh* Wish I had something to drink...I've been hankering for my favorite vodka and lemonade and I don't have the bucks to get a decent bottle of Monopolowa...*sigh*


Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at October 26, 2003 05:58 PM


I wish I'd known about the Casino Night in time...we could have had a date. But since I'm not in Glen Rose proper, I quit paying a fee for someone to continuously advertise my competitors and tell me I was too far from town to mess with.

Still would have been fun. How was the chick scene? Sad? Middling? Rocking?

Posted by: Scott Chaffin at October 26, 2003 09:28 PM