Yep, Court was a marathon. I had one client that was not pleased in the least with the punishment recommendation on her case, which I too believed was a bit harsh. I tag teamed with another attorney who is representin' her against CPS in a custody matter against the DA. For his part, the DA did spend considerable time listenin' to the both of us and lookin' through the file at the evidence. He stood by his recommendation, however, and I and the other attorney, as well as one of her jail friends, advised the client that she could do better by her kids through takin' the deal offered (which required several months of inpatient drug treatment prior to release on probation) than by continually being brought back to court month after month with no resolution pendin' jury trial. This one case wore me out. I had a couple of others, but one will be comin' back month after month until we can actually get it to the top of the list of those cases that will be going to trial. Another we will get in front of a jury next week on the limited issue of whether the person is competent to stand trial. The gem of this afternoon's adventure was my appointment to another case by the court during the docket call. As it turned out, this was the easy case as the defendant was eager to take the offered deal. Of course, the necessary paperwork takes forever. I was through with court by a little after 4:00 and spent the next half hour or so copyin' documents at the clerk's office and discussin' expeditin' several of my client's cases with various members of the DA's office.
As I was in the neighborin' town, one with several types of places to eat that do not exist in my small burg, I decided to stop and have some Lo Mein and egg rolls for dinner. I then drove home, went by the office and returned some calls, put a note on the door tellin' everyone I would be back in court at 9:00 am tomorrow and would hopefully be back in the office after lunch, stopped by my favorite store and refilled my Dr. Pepper cup and came home. I am tired and sore and yet I feel compelled to do somethin' I have not done in awhile. Remember when I changed my blogroll to list in updated format? Well there are several blogs at the very bottom of that roll that I seldom seem to visit anymore. Tonight I have visited each and every one of them, and here is what I found:
There was an additional one or two blogs that I visited in the quest that seemed to have not been updated much during the last month, so I passed on mentioning them in this listing.
Posted by notGeorge at October 30, 2003 08:52 PMHow come you seldom visit me Tiger? Don't you like me anymore? :(
Posted by: annika at October 31, 2003 03:06 PM