October 31, 2003

Tig's most horrific All Hallow's Eve

Yes, it is true. The ghouls, goblins, and ghosts have wrought their wrath upon me this night with a vengence. I had decided as a Halloween treat for all of my loyal readers to look through every blog on my blogroll and to find those most worthy quotes regarding the Halloween occasion, and to post such in a most elegant listing. For three and one-half hours I diligently read blog after blog, waiting for each to slowly load as my usually crappy dial-up service was even crappier than usual. I am unsure of the actual number of quotes I had amassed and formatted for the eventual post to be, but as I went to paste a quote from one the blogs at the bottom of my blogroll, I found the posting window with all of my unsaved work had mysteriously vanished. Was it the work of a playful Halloween poltergeist or just my inane negligence? I suspect the former but logic would point to the latter. Oh well, the horror of it all. What is the worst part is that you, my loyal readers, will never see that which I had amassed for your enjoyment. However, as a consolation, many of the blogs I had perused had mentioned a place to find plenty of Halloween goodies.

As for me, this episode has deeply deflated the enjoyment I had hoped to receive from this year's Halloween. However, I survived, so I guess I am better off than some of the other horrors that will befall people this All Hallow's Eve.

Posted by notGeorge at October 31, 2003 09:19 PM

Bummer, Tig.

Posted by: Sophorist at November 1, 2003 11:28 AM

I'm so sorry, Tig! I spent most of the evening outside passing candy out to all the kids, and then pretty well crashed! I didn't mean to be so cruel!


Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at November 1, 2003 12:44 PM

gosh darn...that really sucks...after all that time you spent on it...pout...I am glad that you survived the trauma of having something you spent hours on..go poof...blame it on the poltergeist of blogland...gurl

Posted by: anonymous gurl at November 1, 2003 02:31 PM