November 02, 2003

Who yanked on the rooster's tail?

I was gonna post up somethin' really snarky to wake ya'll up but I could not even come up with a single mundane thought. However, I still attempted to report such. My crappy ISP decided to disconnect right as I went to publish that message. It was in the neighborhood of 7:00 am on Sunday mornin' and still my crappy service provider ain't got enough bandwidth to let my traffic flow.

After experiencin' such failure, I decided to reboot. While the system was occupied with shuttin' down and restartin', I ventured to my local Dr. Pepper source and filled my cup with that caffeine loaded nectar. While there, I happened to mention that I could not believe that Christmas will soon be here. The mere mention of that thought immediately depressed me, as well as the clerk and the only other customer present. I do have my reasons to dread the upcomin' holiday season, but I am wonderin' why the other two share my dread. I think I will just go soak in a hot tub and try to get my mind back onto a cheerful note. I do hope that all of ya'll have a great day of rest.

Posted by notGeorge at November 2, 2003 07:59 AM

Well, heello there Tig.

Old joke:
Q.Whats better than 100 lawyers at the bottom of the sea?
A. 200.

Thats for the three questions for $50.00 joke, and just as funny.

This is my second visit, to your illustrious site, and I must say you havent improved, but thats OK neither has mine. Of course you could say that it hasen't got any worse but that would be just sucking up.

Maybe you need a new ISP? I was going to get a new broadband connection, but my sons still live at home, and that would give them another reason to stay, so I stick with the 33.6k.

Time to take some dehydrated cow and incinerate it to a point of chewyness.


Posted by: BaldFatGuy at November 2, 2003 03:04 PM