November 04, 2003

Different day, stranger night

Well, I made it through Monday by just avoidin' the office and goin' off on a tangent. At least I did get somethin' accomplished. Then I came home and started on a project that Kang and I have been discussin' and we got most of it accomplished but for some reason, despite the best attempts and feeble intellects of one large striped cat and a long tailed marsupial, we were unable to get the job done.

I seemed to have gotten super-sized on the readership today despite the fact that I hardly posted anythin' during the day. There were not a lot of comments, but then I never seem to get a lot of comments anyway. It seems that it is only the same three or four people who take the time to comment. I am pretty sure there are a few more than that who regularly visit. I think some of them are just really shy.

I have had that Texas Blogs ring link down below my blogroll for quite a while now and got notice today that I was now a part of the ring. It seemed to take them long enough. Still, I actually figured I had been rejected for usin' too much foul language. ;)

Uh, my free favorite source is out of Dr. Pepper again. This time I substituted Mountain Dew. I actually hate that stuff, but it does contain a sufficient amount of caffeine. We all know what happened last time when I went with the caffeineless Mug Root Beer.

Well, so much for the mundane crap about whatever. The navel is swell, so guess I can conclude this report on that happy note. More crap tomorrow ... possibly. I am just always hopeful I can think of somethin' worth readin' to post with regularity.

Posted by notGeorge at November 4, 2003 12:00 AM

Try Barqs root beer if you want caffeine!


Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at November 4, 2003 09:24 AM

I don't like Barq's and he doesn't carry that on the fountain. The only available choices are Mug or Mountain Dew. I actually just went to Sonic and bought a Dr. Pepper this morning. ;)

Posted by: Tiger at November 4, 2003 11:03 AM

I prefer Barqs to Mug--it has more flavor and "snap" to it, IMHO. And it makes a better float!

Stewart' makes a deadly float too, come to think of it.

Of course, NOTHING comes close to the Glory that is *angels begin singing* I.B.C. Yummilicious!!

Mmmmmm....root beer floats...*drool*


Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at November 4, 2003 04:59 PM

I like Frostie the best, but A&W in a frosty mug is about the tops!

Posted by: Tiger at November 5, 2003 09:31 AM