November 05, 2003

Somewhere in the middle of nowhere

OK, best title I could think up for a Wednesday opener. I mean all the trite crap about it bein' humpday is a bit blasé, 'specially if you ain't privy to no humpin' opportunities. I ain't real sure I can exceed yesterday's output. I could surely easily exceed the paltry amount of postin' I did, but it would be difficult to top the utter goodness of each and every post. I count yesterday's bloggin' efforts as a very exceptional daily output.

So, what do we have today? It seems I heard yesterday that these mid-term gubnatorial elections were gonna be an important sign ... for the Democrats. I guess the message wasn't what they was 'spectin', though. Hopefully there weren't no hangin' chads involved.

Speakin' of governors ... I wonder if we could get Arnie and Jesse into a ring for the benefit of some charity.

Damn, I am runnin' later than Roscoe on the way to a road block ... so ta ta for now.

Posted by notGeorge at November 5, 2003 09:26 AM