Comment spammers need to roast in hell 'til they are crispy on all sides and then be stomped into little bits by hobnailed boots. Then the bits fed to wombats.
I actually had one dweeb leave like 15 comment spams today, like MT bloggers don't have a clue about them leavin' comments in really old pasts. Nope, I was all over it, and deleted all of them, plus blocked the two different DNS numbers he was usin' to post those damn things.
What is it about SPAM? It seems to be more and more prevalent all the time through every facet of internet communication. My email inbox is filled with SPAM messages, and it is taking me minutes of valuable time just to delete them. It takes longer to delete the comment SPAM. I belong to two or three MSN Groups and a couple of Yahoo Groups, all of which are continually bombarded with SPAM messages. When I used to read USENET, the SPAM was so constant, but thankfully, the group I read the most often had three ISP abuse agents as members, so they were readily on top of offenders in that group. I guess if there were enough abuse agents among bloggers, the Comment Spam Manifesto might work. Today, I got a SPAM in the guise of a question to me at my ask an expert forum.
I am of the opinion that the punishment proposed by Susie might not be sufficient for the amount of aggravation they cause. You can bet I ain't ever buyin' any of their crap. There are products I might have once wanted that I have vowed to do without because I have been SPAMMED with so many offers to sell such. As far as my mind goes, SPAM is counter productive. You SPAM me about somethin' and you make sure that I wouldn't buy it at Wal-Mart, much less from some cretin who SPAMMED me endlessly.
[UPDATE: I was just checkin' my hotmail and I find a SPAM with this in the subject line: Fwd: nonprogrammable society traitor pottery ... I mean, who is thinkin' up this crap, Bill?]
Posted by notGeorge at November 12, 2003 08:43 PMJust curious - if you're not using MT-Blacklist, you should look into it. It's a free, simple solution to the spam problem in comments; not perfect, but it's blocked a ton of the spam from my site.
Posted by: andy at November 12, 2003 10:02 PMWrite to Serenity at Serenity's Journal and find out how the system she's using works. So far it seems to have eliminated comment spam. Before a comment can be posted a human being, or at least a well trained primate, has to copy a five or six didget number into a box. So far spambots are unable to do this. Worth trying, it's not like it's a big hassle for the legitimate commenters.
Posted by: Peter at November 12, 2003 10:04 PMYeah, I been thinkin' of tryin' that MT-Blacklist but was waitin' to hear a few reviews and such. As for the script where you have to put numbers in, I have had problems seein' those numbers myself, so am not all that enamored with such. However, anythin' to get the damn SPAMMERS to go to Hell. I heard if you actually buy somethin' from a SPAMMER they are rewarded with 72 virgins.
Posted by: Tiger at November 12, 2003 10:09 PMTiger:
Installed MT-Blacklist -- really easy to use, really easy to update... and it didn't cause too much pain to install. :-) My server didn't have a routine in Perl installed, so I had to take the "long installation" routine; then, because of an internal bug that kept me from running it, the author told me how to comment out the one line in code (and which line it was) that was causing my issues and voila... no more comment spam.
Posted by: John at November 13, 2003 01:07 PM