November 13, 2003

A most appallin' turn of events

It seems that Jim of Snooze Button Dreams feels slighted in having his submission intentionally left out of this week's Carnival of the Vanities. Is it censorship? Jim suggests that it is:

Of course I feel slighted, Max. You censored me.

It's pretty easy to just note that the post is erotic fiction in the Carnival description. That's the actual description I submitted it with, after all. People who want to go there do so. People who don't, don't. This is what you did for every one of the people who you didn't censor. There are loads of topics up there that piss people off but all of them are okay. War, death, politics, sexuality, religion, Bush, Iraq, Pussified Toit, Christianity as a thought crime. All of those made the cut. Only my little erotic vignette was censored.

I'm more than slighted. I'm pissed. And very disappointed. I thought the Carnival as a whole was above petty stuff like this.

It seems that Max aka Daniel, had initially stated:

That was a personal call based on the nature of your post. I do apologize if you feel slighted, but it was just my preference not to add that one particular post.

but later clarified his postion with regard to that one particular post:

as i mentioned on your site, jim, your story wasn't very good. let's just accept that it's all for the best. [Daniel's SHIFT ky appeared to be malfunctionin' at the time of this comment]

Does the host of the Carnival of the Vanities possess editorial capacity? Wow, think of the implications of that? It makes me kind of proud I bowed out of submittin' my crap to the Carnivals.

Posted by notGeorge at November 13, 2003 07:55 AM

Tig, where'd you get that last quote from? I don't see it on Max/Daniel's site.

Posted by: ilyka at November 13, 2003 08:15 AM

Ah, never mind--found it. Are you sure Max and daniel are the same person?

Posted by: ilyka at November 13, 2003 08:19 AM

All of the quotes in this report are taken directly from the comments section under this weeks' Carnival of Vanities postin'.

Posted by: Tiger at November 13, 2003 08:20 AM

I am really not too sure why Jim called the person Max ... all the comments appeared to be penned by someone identifyin' himself as Daniel.

Posted by: Tiger at November 13, 2003 08:22 AM

Interesting. At some point, editing will have to be done, simply because there are too many links in the Carny now for it to be of much value. I know *I'm* not going to wade through 90-odd posts each week.

Posted by: James Joyner at November 13, 2003 11:05 AM

Max and Daniel are different people. Max was the host, Daniel is just a commenter.

Posted by: Jim at November 13, 2003 11:45 AM