November 16, 2003

Blitzin' the Blogosphere

OK, folks, the Cowboys are playin' in the ESPN Sunday Night game, so in order to get them ready to whoop up on the New England Patriots, I am gonna start the action by blitzin' the blogosphere.

  • SilverBlue is handin' out some good advice.
  • Eric has unveiled the fabulous new design of Who Tends the Fires.
  • Michele has an extensive discussion on the need to reconsider the nature of the Blogosphere. Has it become a Blogogalaxy?
  • Cracker Barrel Philosopher reports on tactics used by some Chinese citizens in an attempt to reduce select portions of the population.
  • Stevie has a major Swedish Meatball dilemma.
  • James of OTB also evaluates the blogosphere in reponse to the recent Washington Post story on the coziness among rival bloggers.
  • Dean Esmay opines that a recent recommendation in the New York Times that the Arab League take over security in Iraq is insanity.
  • I seem to remember several bloggers mentionin' that wonderful product called Duct Tape on many occasions, but Dawn has brought forth praise on that other household staple: WD-40.
  • Random Prose has provided evidence that Brittney Spears is piratin' music.
  • Kathy Kinsley points to a new found possible source of fuel for the future on our very own moon.
  • Jen has some thoughts on the Kennedy assassination, its celebration, and whether Kennedy should actually be viewed as a great President.
  • In his first appearance in a ***ific Linky-Love session, Robert Prather brings us a funny old joke.
  • Kevin is wonderin' why he is not on the A list, when he is sure he deserves to be.
  • Misha is ravin' bout Frank J's latest efforts so that you don't have to.
  • In startlin' news, Greyhawk relates that a blogger has been wounded in action in Iraq. Further info: here, here and especially here.
  • and last, but not least

  • Venomous Kate is hissin' 'cause she was not a recipient of one companies latest mail campaign effort.
  • Now, 'bout that incestuous blogosphere crap, I have been sayin' for years[*] that some bloggers continually link to the same blogs all the time. I know I do, because I seldom read blogs that are not on my blogroll, yet most blogs on my blogroll are there because someone on my blogroll had linked to a story of theirs that I liked, I checked out the blog and added it to my blogroll. Regrettably, I find I only have so much time to devote to readin' blogs, so I just can't be readin' them all. Sorry to those of you that were mentioned in the Washington Post story, but I have never read your blogs or ever even heard of your blogs. I did, however, notice that my blog was not mentioned in that story or anyone's blurb about that story. I wasn't surprised.

    This post was compiled in slightly less than 90 minutes despite having had three dialup disconnections during such effort.

    [* UPDATE: After publishin' this and readin' through it, I realized I have not been bloggin' for years, so if you are wantin' to check out where I first stated such, you will have to go back to 312 B.C. and see where I wrote such on some stone tablets. I would have linked to such in the blurb, but I am unable to locate them at this time.]

    Posted by notGeorge at November 16, 2003 11:30 AM

    I picked Dallas for my football picks today, but I wasn't happy about it, they are not one of my fav teams ..... I'm a Washington fan ... but I'm a Texan fan too, so does that equal it out? Will I be allowed to stay in Texas? :-P

    Posted by: squishybear at November 16, 2003 12:18 PM