November 17, 2003

A wild and wooly night

Nope, it was not an endless sex escapade -- I only wish. But then again, in accordance with my current moral code belief, it would have been a honeymoon. There is no way I would be here to tell ya'll 'bout such. I would be too busy floatin' on Cloud Nine. Nope, yesterday, I had a horrendous headache, which I immediately suspected as due to sinus problems. That is usually the cause of headaches in the area where my head was poundin'. Thankfully, with my discovery that SudaFed does not keep me awake all night, I immediately took a dose. I expected the pain to subside within half an hour. Nope, that just did not happen. OK, I took another dose. Same result. Crap, I think, I guess I really need the antihistamines. Takin' antihistamines has show to cause me not to be able to sleep. But a poundin' headache is a poundin' headache. I feel compelled to take a dose of Tylenol Cold & Sinus medication. Still the damn headache continues. Well, if none of the sinus meds are workin', then it must not be sinus after all, I think. I am not too happy to have reached that conclusion after havin' taken the substance that will keep me awake all night. I am watchin' the game by this time, so I reach for the bottle of analgesics that are sittin' on the table by my chair: Excedrin PM. I take two and the headache subsides. Of course, I was unable to sleep, tossin' and turnin' and gettin up and down. I remember havin' gotten up about 3:00 am and decided to check to see if I had gotten an email I was expectin'. After doin' that, I went back to bed. Sometime afterward, the effects of the sleepin' medication in the Excedrin PM took effect. IN previous attempts to take such medication to counter the effects of the antihistamines, sleep had not occurred. It may have had somethin' to do with the timin' of the takin' of the medications, I don't know. I do know I found this mornin' that I had drifted into heavy slumber.

I had court this mornin' at 9:00. I slept right through the alarm. My guardian angel must have been aware of my dilemma 'cause there was a fire call at the Fire Hall at 10 minutes to 9:00 am. I live next door to the place. As the engines departed, soundin' their horns, I sat bolt upright. I immediately looked at the clock and saw the time. Crap, I'm late, I thought. Bein' almost fireman-like in my ability to dress quickly and hit the door, I did just that. I walked into court at 9:05 am. The paternity test results had not been returned in my case, so the case was reset to next month. 10 minutes later, I am back out the door.

I am back home now. I still need to go through my regular mornin' routine of bathin', shavin', brushin' my teeth, and goin' through my daily session of biological waste expulsion. How's that for startin' out your Monday mornin'?

Posted by notGeorge at November 17, 2003 11:00 AM

Ahh, Mondays... Sounds about like MY morning--except substitute the headache for a major backache, and the waste expulsion being Zane (once again) removing his clothes and--*ahem*--"redecorating" his crib area. It's lunchtime and I still haven't had breakfast yet, and Zane's already been showered and the laundry is almost done. Sheesh!

It's definitely a morning for STRONG coffee... Shall I brew enough for two...? ;-)


Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at November 17, 2003 12:19 PM

Oh, by the way--the USURP logo is up at our site! :-D


Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at November 17, 2003 12:20 PM

Hmmm, you really could have left out the part that goes "daily session of biological waste expulsion". That was way more information than we needed.

Posted by: Psycho Dad at November 17, 2003 03:07 PM

I thought it might have crossed the red line on the TMI meter, but then decided it was so eloquently written, that surely everyone would be pleased to see I could do so. I could have, but did not, describe the odorific properties, the colorization of such, or the volume and weight estimation. I worked really hard to try to stay on the green side of the TMI meter, you know? Maybe your meter needs to be recalibrated. I suppose that next time, I could just say I took daily mornin' crap and get it over with. ;)

Remember, in the search for truth, nothing is sacred. I read that somewhere, just not sure where it was.

Posted by: Tiger at November 17, 2003 06:42 PM

aww... hope the rest of your week is better :)

~Sweet dreams~

Posted by: Cherry at November 17, 2003 10:46 PM