November 18, 2003

Okie dokie, get it fixed

'Fore I tell ya'll what I came to say, accordin' to what it says on my console this will be post number 1500. Now I don't know if that is 1500 posts that were published or 1500 posts that were written, 'cause sometimes I save a post as a draft 'cause there is some info I want to check on later that I later just delete after I got what I wanted out of it. But I just thought ya'll might have wanted to know that. Now to the impotant stuff.

Well, maybe blogrollin ain't pointin' all the links to Laura's blog anymore, but the add link part of it has been down for maintenance for the last two days. Sorry, Commisar, but I can seem to get The Politburo Diktat added to the list currently. Hopefully such will be done soon. So anyone else clamorin' to get on my list? Let me know and I will check ya out and see if ya are worthy of bein' included with all those wonderful blogs that are already there!

[UPDATE: Commisar has entitled a post LESBIANS HATE DICK and posted a picture as evidence, but I have to say that the lesbian pictured is so ugly, even Acidman would probably pass up a date with her.]

Posted by notGeorge at November 18, 2003 06:13 PM

Still waiting for that third party to recover from sabotage.

Posted by: The Commissar at November 18, 2003 07:09 PM