November 18, 2003

Links, links, who has the links

Hmm, seems Kevin has again posted another week's Bonfire of the Vanities. There seems to be such a plethora of theme based linkfests goin 'round the Blogosphere lately. Of course, the original Carnival of the Vanities havin' had 60th edition posted this last week and the next edition due out tomorrow. Kelley continues her weekly Cul-de-Sac, although recently changed the format. Just recently, Venomous Kate has begun the weekly Hunting of the Snark and a daily Letter of the Day, so popular that many other bloggers take part in doin' such on their blogs. A new linkfest, a Carnival of the Capitalists has begun.

Now most of these, save the Cul-de-Sac and the daily Letter of the Day are blogger submission festivals, where bloggers submit their own posts for inclusion into the linkfest. The exceptions are linkfests composed of links selected solely by the author of the linkfest.

I am contemplatin' a whole different type of linkfest festival -- somethin' along the lines of Watchin' the Crap Swirl. I propose as this bein' a festival of links to those posts done by bloggers submitted by other bloggers who think they stink so bad they need to be flushed down the toilet.

Posted by notGeorge at November 18, 2003 08:52 PM