November 19, 2003

Hot and cold

The temperature has dropped several degrees in the last hour or two and it is quite chilly and yet, I am still a bit hot from the last situation I posted about. As such, my navel is either quiverin' or shiverin', I am not sure. As for the rest of me, I am alert and know I need to get to bed. I have overslept two days in a row.

I am a bit perplexed at why my numbers were so high yesterday and then were much lower today. Oh, they were not that bad, being just a bit above my daily average rate, but nowhere near the record numbers from last night. As I did not find that one of the big dogs had sent a ton of people my way last night, I was almost sure it was from the regularity of my postin' and attempted to mirror that tonight. I thought I did my part, but the numbers didn't do theirs. It is sure perplexin'. Oh well, I hope I don't lose any sleep worryin' about it.

Posted by notGeorge at November 19, 2003 12:25 AM