November 20, 2003

Arrrrgggh! Turn it off!

Oh, do I ever have a headache. It starts right in the base of my neck and goes all the way up in the area behind my eyes. The damn sun is shinin' brightly on the other side of the blinds lightin' up this room blindin' me. I will deal with the headache, but if one of ya'll could conjure up a cloud or two to break that bright beam of light, I would appreciate it.

Oh, I noticed that Venomous Kate has called me a jackanape. I am not sure what that is though. I figure it is like a jackass with opposable thumbs! Cool! Thanks Kate!

[UPDATE: After soakin' in a hot tub of water for a bit, the headache has subsided slightly, nothin' a megadose of analgesics and some DP will not suppress enough for me to operate normally for the remainder of the day, and the sun has retreated above the roof line so that the bright light is not streamin' full force. See? Always just have a little patience, do your best at what you know to do and things always work themselves out.]

Posted by notGeorge at November 20, 2003 07:46 AM

mmmmmmmmmmm .. hot tub .. gimmie gimmie gimmie!!!

Posted by: squishybear at November 23, 2003 01:19 PM