November 22, 2003

Now tell me this is not a good idea!

Found on Biting Nails:

Erika at Snazzykat has suggested we write a letter to our 10 year old selves.

I mean just how much would you want to say. I say we all do it. Mine is in the extended entry.

Hi Terry,

I know this is a bit weird, but you are a big science fiction fan, I know, so understand that in 38 years, it will finally become possible to send messages back in time. I have done so because there are some things I want to tell you about your future.

In a couple of years, your family is going to move out to the country to a really inbred group of people. Do not worry about not fitting in or finding a girlfriend among the group. There are none worth having anyway.

When you are in the ninth grade, you will get in a fight with a boy named Les, You will knock him down, and when you do, kick him really hard in the face until he passes out. Otherwise he will get up, knock you down and try to pull your nose off of your face.

Don't take typing, it destroys your grade point average.

Do take physics and chemistry.

Do not start smoking. Brush your teeth every day and learn to floss.

Investigate college scholarships.

Don't worry so much about wanting sex and not getting it. Worry more about waiting for the right person. Sex is not love.

Major in Psychology.

If you meet a beautiful woman named Janet who has just left her husband, do not fall in love with her and marry her.

If you meet a beautiful woman named Betsy, same advice applies. The better choice will be the redheaded waitress from Studebaker's, the one who is going to NTSU and whose father is a doctor.

Whatever you do, if you meet a woman named Dawnda Davidson, run the other way as fast as possible, because she is a minion of the Devil.

Do not worry about things so much as you are very talented and will succeed.

Good luck,

Terry, 2003

Posted by notGeorge at November 22, 2003 11:42 PM

i keep waiting for my letter or phone call, but it never comes. those scientist types need to work harder!

Posted by: candy at November 24, 2003 03:56 AM