If'n you were 'spectin' to find somethin' about Dean and Rall or some stupid guy tryin' to join the KKK gettin' hit in the head with a bullet shot in the sky durin' his initiation celebration, go check out some of thse other blogs over there on my blogroll. If'n I see three or more blogs on my blogroll have already reported on the same stories, I figure I ain't got no real reason to say crap about it, as most people already have heard the story anyway. Readin' it here would just be a waste of their time. Now, if'n I got some really really snarky thing to say about some story everyone else is talkin' 'bout, you can bet I can't hold back from bringin' such story to you just so I can post that really snarky remark for your enjoyment. Those really snarky remarks don't grow on trees ya know, except in Michele and Kate's backyards, that is.
Posted by notGeorge at November 24, 2003 09:22 PM