Gosh, seems even though we have a few members, no one is givin' a real go at assistin' the Society and the other members, yet ... so I reflected a bit, and decided maybe I needed to give all the members an assignment. It seems I have seen one of the blogger alliances do that and everyone seems to take delight in comin' forth with some kind of an effort. Then I reflected a bit more and thought, wait, maybe there is so little action because anyone interested enough to click the logo is sent to a category page on my otherwise inane site. Of course, that should have changed because our most gracious Pixy Misa has provided us with space on munu for our HQ. I just have not had the time to do anything with the space yet. Clickety, click, whirl, whirl, and my brain came out with this solution:
All members are invited, although not compelled, to create the prefect .css file to format our HQ blog. Now isn't that a lot more fun that tryin' to describe the last words of Uday and Qusay? Once all the members have completed their entries, I will arrange a showing of them all and we can vote on which one we all like the best. Are ya ready, on your mark, get set, ... you got until December 1 ... go!
Good luck everybody!
Posted by notGeorge at November 25, 2003 04:18 PMI guess I am late to this party....and I avoid css at all costs.....
But if you give me the keys maybe I can play with it and see what comes of it?