November 26, 2003

Wouldn't you know it!

OK, so here I am makin' all these plans for another of my spontaneous road trips, and I feel like I am comin' down with somethin'. As such, I think the best thing to do is to go to bed right now and hope what I am feelin' is just exhaustion from a long day. *

I had a hectic court session all mornin' with two of my cases involvin' very emotional females. I guess it is the male in me, but George, why is that some women have to get so damn weepy eyed over every little thing that does not go their way. I have no problem with ladies cryin' over the death of loved one, even if it is just a cat, or when someone gets married, or over somethin' really sentimental, or even if they get their feelin's hurt. What gets to me is when they cry because they have to plead guilty to a crime they admit they committed, especially after I worked my ass off to convince the DA to give them a lenient sentence. Crap like that drains me, I tell ya. I then spent the afternoon gettin' out some correspondence and readin' the accumulated email. I prepared a message for my answerin' machine to let ever'body know what to do if they really really needed to reach me and put a sign on the door with essentially the same info. I did spent just a moment or two showin' Heather around the office and explainin' what she would be required to do if she decides to accept the job I offered her at the rate I can pay. I need someone to wrangle that steady influx of paper that assails me on a daily basis. If someone does not stay on top of it, it will bury you pretty quickly. I also had to sign some contracts and get them sent off so hopefully I can get a cable connection on my office system. I expect such to save me about an hour a day and I can write off the expense on my taxes. I am still waitin' to see if I can get a WiFi connection on this system off of my friend's cable connection, but he is still workin' on boostin' the power sufficiently to transmit the 100 yards to my house. I usually have a fairly good dialup connection from the house, though, so the office is almost a must have.

I do find it amazin' how deflated I get to see numbers near where they were a few days ago after havin' had that steady influx of visitors from a link on a big dog site. Actually, I went through about two or three there over the end of last week and the weekend. Since the 20th, I have not had a daily visitation rate below 150, had three of those days above 300 and had rate on one of those days at 650. Of course, with the 1500 visitors over the last 4 days, I did not see all that many comments from anyone but my regular readers and was surprised to see the number of unique links on my ecosystem data had dropped by 7 links since yesterday. So, what I think I have seen is that a lot of people were seein' my site, a goodly number were actually readin' a goodly portion of the crap I had written for the last few days, but not many were sayin' anythin' about what they read, and none, as far as I can tell, chose to add my blog to their blogroll. I must wonder, however, if all of them or even a large portion of those readers are bloggers or are part of the ecosystem. I might actually have been linked on over 1000 new blogs or been bookmarked by 1000 readers and I will likely never ever know.

Anyway, the navel did peep its eye out for a peek today as the weather climbed into the high 50s and I took a quick gaze to examine its condition and, though you likely won't believe this, it looked essentially the same as when I last gazed upon it. Who woulda ever thunk that?

I really do thank each and every one of you who take the time to look through my daily offerin's. I know that no one is gonna like everythin' I write or agree with all I have to say. Thank George you don't have to.

*It likely was, 'cause I got a second wind and posted several blurbs after I penned this one.

Posted by notGeorge at November 26, 2003 12:07 AM | TrackBack