A long long time ago, in a land far away ... well not that long ago and not that far ... I was pretty computer efficient, but was a bit afraid to hook up to the internet because I was convinced that there were sensors inside computers that sent information to the government. Of course, such feelin's were likely due to my ignorance more than my need to line my cap with foil or somethin'. I just needed to find a computer tech to convince me there was nothin' like that in my computer. However, I am pretty sure I was on the right track, what with cookies, data miners and such I have discovered. Of course, I am more advanced now than previously, although this thing has me confused as Hell. But even more confusin' is when my hard drive seems to be doin' somethin' when there is no data goin' in or out and I am just sittin' here readin' some blogs. Maybe I ought to start worryin' if there in a poltergeist inside the box, huh?
Posted by notGeorge at November 30, 2003 06:46 PM