November 30, 2003

Worn down and frazzled to the bone

Yes, feelin' a bit exhausted, likely nothin' serious, just a drastic lack of sleepin' and not eatin' all that well durin' the holiday road trip. I suspect that with another good night's sleep, all will be as well as can be expected from this agin' body when that much older sun rises tomorrow.

My visitation rate fell into the crapper* when I was on the road. My navel seems to be wholly unconcerned. More to come, just not tonight. End of report.

*Speakin' of crappers, mine overflowed today. I hate that more than anythin' other type of episode that can occur in the bathroom that does not involve a personal injury of some sort.

Posted by notGeorge at November 30, 2003 09:27 PM