December 05, 2003

In the interim

Well, I have returned to Hell! Yes, I just could not remain at the office all night. I mean despite the frigid ambient temperature, the lowband connection, and the utter loneliness* of the place, there really is no place like home. Besides, I had to feed the dogs.

I had attempted to put some kind of router that my friend John recommended so as to create a firewall and to split the signal so that Heather could have eBay access in the reception area. I mangled it, so had to go fetch John and haul him down there to crawl around on the floor under my desk with me and correctly connect all the wires. I am glad no one was on the square to peer through the windows or there could be a really nasty rumor floatin' 'round town right now about John and I rollin' 'round on the floor together. I got that cable up and runnin' and began some downloadin' of some badly needed updates to the software on the reception computer. I still have to reconfigure the network to get the computers to read off of each other and to share the printer. Alas, I will probably frag that too and have to hire someone to come repair the damage.

Well, anyway, I got me a quart of eggnog and am gonna see if there is enough cheap bourbon left in that plastic bottle** to make it tasty and go watch Apocalypse Now Redux*** durin' the interim between now and when I come back to make my Nightly Navel Gazin' Report™ -- you know, the dwell when no one is comin' 'round to read my crap. If I get snonkered enough on eggnog laced with bourbon, I might end up lookin' like Acidman. I'll let ya know.

*It is pretty lonely down at the office too after the close of business.

**It seems I remember drinkin' plastic bottle bourbon before they actually started puttin' it in plastic bottles.

***Yes, I did have to look it up to find the correct spellin'.

Posted by notGeorge at December 5, 2003 08:08 PM

AAACK! I posted my nomination--in the wrong Ecosystem category!! It has since been corrected. So you can change that scoreboard by one and wipe off that self-pitying frown, thankyouverymuchly... ;-)


Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at December 5, 2003 09:24 PM


Posted by: Tiger at December 5, 2003 10:25 PM

I posted my nomination (of YOUR BLOG, natch) on the Marauding Marsupial, not the Large Mammal category. So I went and posted it correctly yesterday.


Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at December 6, 2003 02:57 PM

oooooooo - I really enjoyed Apocalypse Now Redux ....

Posted by: squishybear at December 8, 2003 01:12 PM