December 07, 2003

Hey, did ya'll know about this?

There is an eternal bear vs. shark debate. Hmmm, I guess if they are on land, I gotta go with the bear. However, if the bear is floatin' on the ocean layin' on an air mattress soakin' up rays and consumin' margaritas, I am pretty sure the shark takes the bout in the first round. Now, this is a debate, so feel free to pipe in with your two cents.

Posted by notGeorge at December 7, 2003 07:13 PM

You've never run across the bear v. shark debate in all your years? Man. How did that happen? I thought everybody had talked about that at some point. The online debates are noteworthy only in that they are online.

Bear on a raft? I don't think so. Bears are workers, not lazy drifters (like, say, sharks.) Anyway, that would be a sneak attack, which is the only way a shark beats a bear (and he better kill him right off the bat, or the shark's a goner). Give me the grizzly. Arms and legs with flesh-ripping claws against flippers and, ooooo! rough skin. Hah.

Posted by: Scott Chaffin at December 7, 2003 07:24 PM

Bears are accustomed to fighting, and for that matter, fishing, so they'll have some advantage on tactics over the sharks, who are accustomed to defenseless prey. I've heard of swimmers getting away after punching a shark in the nose.

Of course you have to match them for weight class. Pitting a nurse shark against a kodiak, or a great white against a brown bear is going to make the outcome a whole lot different.

Posted by: triticale at December 7, 2003 10:05 PM