Hey, I know it ain't nice to laugh at the misfortunes of others, but damned if they didn't nab a couple of spammers. I am sorry but I am laughin' with delight to know a couple of those assholes are gonna have to face the music. Now I am not advocatin' the death penalty for SPAMMIN' here folks, nor do I think they should do a long time behind bars. Naw, I like to see a lot of community service for Jeremy Jaynes, also known as Gaven Stubberfield, and his cohort Richard Rutowski. I think wastin' as much of their time with mundane useful activities for the benefit of society would be just punishment for all the time we have wasted on the mundane useless activity of havin' to delete all the crap they were sendin' to us. I meant to blog on this much earlier when I caught a whiff of the story somewhere and found myself reminded while perusin' James' daily offerin's.
Posted by notGeorge at December 11, 2003 09:09 PM