Yehaw! I got my first troll! I think that means I have finally arrived! The IP numbers for the last two commenters on this post are identical. Of course, the post is so old, I doubt anyone will take their bait. ;)
Posted by notGeorge at December 12, 2003 11:53 AMonly a fool and an OLD fool at that would not realise that more than one person uses a common computer. Der. Bloody OLD ynaks.
Posted by: peter mcgary at December 12, 2003 07:36 PMAnd yet the odds of someone 13 and someone 66 usin' the same computer, comin' to the same site, readin' the same post, and decidin' to post a comment are greater than the odds of winning the Lotto. Go figure. I stick by my call.
Posted by: Tiger at December 12, 2003 07:48 PMI'm fairly new to all this and I got here through a friend's blog, linking to another blog, linked to another blog, reading a comments, linking to a blog and another comment... oh, hell, I don't remember how I got here, but what is a troll? Other than the one that lives under the bridge and in book one of the Harry Potter series?
Posted by: Cindra at December 13, 2003 08:59 AMA troll is osmeone who makes comments mostly just to start some trouble, actually addin' nothin' to the discussion, or at least that is my definition.
Posted by: Tiger at December 13, 2003 01:15 PMThat's a pretty good description, actually, Tig.
The term "Troll" originally came from someone who was just "trolling for trouble" on the 'Net. Now it's exactly that--someone who adds little to nothing in actual intelligent debate, and just acts like an idiot on a person's site. Most bloggers either delete the offending comments or creatively edit them. Nothing irks a troll worse than coming back and discovering that their verbal diarrhea has been transformed into a testimonial about their love of *ahem* "animal husbandry"...
Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at December 13, 2003 02:26 PM