December 21, 2003

The ever encompassin' blue funk

I just did not feel up to doin' anythin' much today. I did read Opus so as to do today's report and watched the Cowboys defeat the Giants, as I predicted. Other than that, I have mostly napped a lot. I may be this way for awhile. Do not alarm yourselves or worry 'bout me. This is a regular holiday occurrence that I have become accustomed to over this previous decade wherein Santa has continually failed to bring me what I need and desire.

I suppose if I can find time to read Opus, I must make time to look at my navel and report to ya'll great fans of my navel how my navel is doin'. Well, OK, I have lifted up my shirt and see that the navel appears unharmed by the days activity of mostly sittin' in a chair watchin' TV and layin' in the bed nappin'. Of course, I did not find this surprisin' but have no idea how your might react to such news. React as you please. End of report.

Posted by notGeorge at December 21, 2003 11:03 PM


Off the subject: Lost your email address when my computer crashed! I just put permalinks (I think) into my post.

Do me a favorite, check it out and see if it is working
right....I did the template coding and I never know!



Posted by: oldcatman at December 22, 2003 02:29 PM

I am always relieved to hear that your navel is in good condition....

Posted by: Susie at December 22, 2003 03:36 PM