January 11, 2004

Jan. 11, 2004

Oh my George! Today's strip is a candidate for the all-time best of Opus! The last panel had me literally laughin' out loud.* I would buy that on a t-shirt! If anyone scans this one and puts it up, please notify me so that I can link to it (after I archive the image for my personal use).

*This fact is interestin' only because 1) I laugh out loud only when I find somethin' truly funny; and 2) I read the strip by going to my friend's convenience store, takin' a Ft. Worth Star-Telegram off of the stack for sale, takin' the paper over to the top of a freezer, gingerly openin' the paper to the middle so as to pull out the comics. Opus is on the bottom of the third page. After I have read Opus, I place the paper back into its former condition and set the paper back where I got it. There were a couple of other people around this morning who were likely wonderin' why I was laughin' my silly head off.**

**I am pretty sure that is my longest footnote ever since beginnin' this blog.***

***Whereas the previous footnote was probably the the most worthless one I ever did.

Posted by notGeorge at January 11, 2004 08:49 AM

check out www.tshirthell.com If they like your T shirt
logo---they might design it!

Posted by: oldcatman at January 11, 2004 11:06 AM

I wonder what you have to do to become a part of the identity group of hottie?

I thought it interesting that one of the items given to him as a welcome gift was a flag of the Army of Northern Virginia (the flag identitfied with the Confederacy).

Posted by: Tink at January 11, 2004 12:09 PM

That's okay, Tiger. I, for one, see the tongue in your cheek here. I hope. Damn, I hope.

Posted by: Velociman at January 11, 2004 07:44 PM

Here's a link to view the Opus strips:


It doesn't appear in our fishwrap so I don't know if this the current one or not. Just change the number after opus to view the older ones - and newer as they come.

Posted by: Kurt at January 12, 2004 07:02 PM