Hmmm, seems no one finds much on my blog worthy of linkage, here lately.
Five Most Recent PingsSeems that I got somethin' to work on, huh? Posted by notGeorge at January 12, 2004 11:06 PM
Saturday Link-Luv™ - Discussions! 2004.01.10
Hunting The Snark - Week 15 2004.01.09
Thursday's Edition of Link-Luv™ 2004.01.08 2004.01.03
The Morning After 2004.01.01
Shoot mister, I gets a whole zero pings, and maybe 2 or three comments on average. Whats yer problem with them numbers?
I only come and read your rantings when I've been drinking a jug or two, but hey that ain't so bad is it.
Posted by: BaldFatGuy at January 14, 2004 07:50 PM