February 13, 2004

Thank George tomorrow is a different day

. . . and hopefully will bring a whole pile of different crud with which to deal. Today's pile was an odoriferous lump of boredom. The weather was just yucky, cold, dreary and wet - hovering just at the freezing point. My phone hardly rang. I got nuthin' much of anythin' done, but then I was under the dark cloud of Friday the 13th all day. I survived the day, and almost perished from boredom while I tried to find something, anything to do* this evenin'. I shoulda blogged. I didn't. I am ashamed. Not much. I love you all - yes, even you.** My navel feels simply content that no disaster befell us this day. End of report.***

*It appears that even when you are as good lookin' as I am, it is not as easy to find an event involvin' wild monkey sex as you might think.

**No, that love does not extend to ya'll comment spammers. I have nuthin' but utter revulsion for your kind.

***Now even I am beginnin' to think we were better off when Cherry was doin' these reports.

Posted by notGeorge at February 13, 2004 10:40 PM

Hi Tig! I know your Friday the 13th wasn't great, but at least it looks like George decided to decorate everything in lace for V-Day, and then give us the sun we'd been desperately needing for the last month. Pretty cool, eh?



Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at February 14, 2004 09:59 AM

Huh? We got snow!

Posted by: Tiger at February 14, 2004 10:16 AM