March 09, 2004

Under what rock do prospective teachers dwell?

Fayetteville* Criminal Justice** teacher forgets how to spell J-A-I-L-B-A-I-T.

attribution: Silflay Hraka***

*I do think this one is in North Carolina, but they damn sure didn't make it obvious on the website.****

**They teach Criminal Justice in high school in North Carolina? WOW!

***And just where did they ever come up with Silflay Hraka as a name for a blog.

****OK, so I didn't realize that Silflay Hraka is a North Carolina blog, so I can see why they didn't mention such on that blog, but don't people realize that the Internet is the World Wide Web and they also have a Fayettevile in Arkansas, Georgia, and likely a few other states.

Posted by notGeorge at March 9, 2004 04:23 PM

What, the big NC map up there on the right isn't big enough? :)

As for the name...

Posted by: bigwig at March 9, 2004 06:21 PM

I didn't see the map until I began searchin' for clues as to the identity of which particular Fayetteville was involved. I guess I scored a D* on my attentiveness test for today.

*I narrowly adverted gettin' an F by locatin' it just before time ran out.

Posted by: Tiger at March 9, 2004 06:52 PM