March 09, 2004

Tuesday, 03-09-2004

Nuggets and Gems™ is a listing of links to those posts I found during the day that I thought were excellent, either passin' along some important information, displayin' great insight into some topic, bein' of special interest, or just a bit noteworthy. I urge you to read each and every one of these posts. And, if you published a truly remarkable post lately, please feel free to track it back to this post.

And as an added bonus for today, I found a few old ones layin' 'round in the back of the den that I might as well throw out for your enjoyment, even if they might prove to be a bit stale and musty.

Posted by notGeorge at March 9, 2004 06:03 PM | TrackBack

Thanks, sweetie. :: muah ::

P.S. Hope your hangover is better. Sour grapes make the best chianti! Heh.

Posted by: margi at March 9, 2004 07:25 PM

Well, hey, hoss. Thanks. Of course, one of my job responsibilities is keeping you entertained. Hope I don't flunk my performance review.

Posted by: Velociman at March 9, 2004 08:22 PM