Spam: We'll never get rid of spam. No matter what laws are passed, spam will still exist. In a way, maybe we need to have it. It makes all our real e-mail seem all that much more precious. You know, in between the amazing dog S.E.X. videos, the come ons for Cialis and Viagra, the cures for baldness (countered with the offers for clean-shaven beavers), and the pleas for assistance, that forwarded e-mail (with all the <<<<<) from your Aunt Trixie starts to look like a gift from heaven. - DaGoddess
I am gettin' the sneakin' suspicion that she lives in California, because where else can you even 'spect $420K for a condo with a cracked foundation, mold and missin' firewalls. Heck, in my neck of the woods, you could buy a nice hilltop covered with a 4 bedroom/3 bath Acme® brick home for about half of that.
Posted by notGeorge at March 9, 2004 10:51 PMHeh. Maybe you got the impression that I live in California because I mentioned that once or twice in the 1700-odd posts I've written.
Yep. $420K for a condo that's slip slidin' its way to hell. Oh well. The pool will soften the eventual complete descent.
Posted by: Da Goddess at March 9, 2004 11:01 PM