May 10, 2004

12 Steps to World Domination?

The followin' is somethin' I found here:

1/ Be decisive. People will bow down to you faster if you use a decisive tone of voice.
2/ Expand your vocabulary. If people are busy deciphering what you're saying, you'll be able to slip a world-ruling clause or two into conversations and contracts without them noticing.
3/ No friends. They only get in the way. You're looking for followers and disciples.
4/ Believe in yourself. Conviction and meglomania [sic] are the way to go. Nice guys finish without ruling the world. Not you!
5/ Proof-read and spell-check. Sloppy documents make for sloppy work. Sloppy work makes for failed ruling.
6/ Topple governments. Ruling parties can be troublesome when you're brainwashing the citizens. Better to remove the old regime first.
7/ Designate two or three successors. The in-fighting between them while they try and curry your favour will keep anyone from targeting you with a decapitation strike at your empire. Besides, a layer or two between you and the lackeys leaves you more time to work towards [sic] the goal.
8/ Nice shoes. No one respects a bad shine.
9/ Planning. Thing like ruling the world don't "just happen".
10/ Talk loudly. You need to be heard. And drowning out everyone else will get your points across faster.
11/ Take on more than you can handle. Taking over the world is hard work and appearing busy is the key to the awe and respect you'll need. Don't let anyone know that you're delegating most of the work to those aforementioned disciples and followers.
12/ Get a snappy URL. Marketing is EVERYTHING!
OK, now I am mindful that I do not do a great job of keepin' my boots nicely shined, but my individual entry templates look great!

Posted by notGeorge at May 10, 2004 11:34 AM | TrackBack