May 12, 2004

Don't waste your money

I just got a SPAM in my junkmail box that piqued my interest.

Subject : Secret Divorce Planning for Men
OK, I just really had to see what this was all about, so I clicked the link which took me here.* I am tellin' ya, their there ain't a damn thing they could tell ya for $179 that either would not come back and bite you in the butt somewhere down the road or would assist you in any way. Take if from one who is in the divorce business.

*Linkage herein is not an endorsement of such site or even an invitation for you to visit, but in the spirit of givin' as much information as possible, I thought it was only fair to tell ya how to see what I saw.

Posted by notGeorge at May 12, 2004 06:20 PM

Well I hope that this wasn't you :-)

Posted by: Ozguru at May 12, 2004 07:59 PM