plans on airin' a commercial showin' the kind of life they want for all Americans, where all women in our country shall be required to keep their faces covered in public. They want to start with the Statue of Liberty.
I stepped into this pile of doo doo while surreptitiously trespassin' * over at Res Ipsa Loquitor.
*That admission is solely an attempt to be humorous, and is not intended to become an admission on my part of any actual wrong doin'. I offered my callin' card upon entry, so the young lady was fully aware of my presence. As far as I noticed, she was fully dressed, as well.
Posted by Tiger at May 23, 2004 06:18 PMAnd a very nice callin' card it was too, thankee kindly.
Posted by: Rita at May 23, 2004 06:39 PM