June 02, 2004

Carnival of the Vanities submissions

As you may or may not be aware. The Carnival of the Vanities will be hosted by yours truly on June 2, 2004. All entries should be emailed to me at roguegenius[at]hotmail[dot]com with the subject line bein' simply "COTV". If ya can't figure out how to defeat the SPAM trap in that address, then I guess I won't be receivin' your entry, will I? Deadline for entries is midnight on June 1. Please send link and post title. Leave the rest up to me, I guess. I look forward to seein' what ya'll have got to offer.

Posted by Tiger at June 2, 2004 08:49 PM | TrackBack

Cool. You get to host the blog-world's most hair-tearing event. (Believe me, I've hosted it... and helped behind the scenes on one other. I'm now bald.)

On my birthday. I'm tempted to send 4 or 5 entries for you to choose between. ;)

Posted by: Kathy K at May 30, 2004 09:06 PM

Send, but please only one. I hate decisions, and I am already havin' to make at least one decision for every submission made, besides the choice of what I am gonna say about it. I am afraid that not ever'one will be pleased with my comments, however. Birthday? You finally gonna get over legal drinkin' age?

Posted by: Tiger at May 30, 2004 09:23 PM

Not sure I know how to send an entry off my blog..but
I'll try.......................

Posted by: OLDCATMAN at May 31, 2004 01:26 PM
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