May 30, 2004

They continue to come, don't they?

I found a visitor on my SiteMeter page that came from and, not bein' familiar with what was offered on such site, I went for a visit. Well, as I suspected, it is a listin' of recently updated blogs as culled from, and As is my usual wont, when confronted by a list of blogs, I perused the listin's and clicked on several of the names which interested me. Almost all were on blog*spot and almost all were fairly new to the bloggin' game. Just a bit of an overview of what I found:

  • Justus for All, a poli blogger whose archives only go back to 5/16/04 but already has a nice template and some clue as what to do.
  • PweetyFower,Blue Kitten who has a template I cannot stand because I hate to scroll, and seems not to have a clue as what name to use, as the name on the listin' was tHe CaT sPeAkS!, has no archives, first post was dated 5.24.2004, and due to colorin', size, etc., is a blog that, in addition to havin' to continuously scroll to access anythin' is almost impossible to read anyway. On the plus side, the kitten is cute.
  • . . . Take me as I am... began on Tuesday, May 25, 2004, but whose most recent post I found to be a pretty intriguin' scenario.
  • No Longer A Virgin
  • , the first blog*spot blog of a 17 year old male from somewhere in the UK who lost his virginity 15 days ago. Three posts all dated today. Says he: "I've had a few blogs before, but not on blogspot," which begs the question: where do you start your bloggin' experience if blog*spot is a move up?
  • Chez Mike which says it is a Mike groovey professionally designed blog, which of course, begs the question, who pays to have a blog professionally designed and then hosts it on crappy blog*spot? It is a nice lookin' blog, however, although the content lacks any appeal for me.
  • Nine Of Swords whose first post shows to have been on April 23, 2004, uses a traditional Blogger template, the red banner, and is done my a guy named Benjamin. The latest post seems to be a song in Chinese. From my quick scan, it would appear that Benjamin is enamored with some girl.
  • messed up in the head, whose first post was on May 23, 2004, and has the feel of readin' a post pubescent girl's diary. I get the impression this gal has not yet been kissed, but is thinkin' 'bout it a lot and does a lot of runnin'. and
  • A Midsummer Night's Dream, name chosen by Sri Fadhilah Mustaffa, who is a sporadic blogger at best, too dark to read at worst, not sure what was bein' said anyway.
Except for the Justus, it mostly looked like a lot of nuthin' but then 'twarn't really nuthin but my utter lack of understandin', I'm sure.

Posted by notGeorge at May 30, 2004 01:27 PM

At least PweetyFower,Blue Kitten (is that anything like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon?) doesn't appear to have crashed your computer when you clicked. That must be one hideous template.

However, did finally confirm for me that does in fact receive my update pings.

Posted by: McGehee at May 30, 2004 06:12 PM

The funny thing about PweetyFower,Blue Kitten is that the template is a great technological item, but it is not that great for a blog. I am pretty sure it is made with iframes and layers. It is just that everything there is in the middle of a box about the size of a postcard. Like I said, the kitten picture on the box is cute, but the backgrounds are dark, somewhat opaque and the text is too close to the same color. Technical skills seemed very impressive, but the blogger lacks design skills.

Posted by: Tiger at May 30, 2004 09:18 PM

Some of those were pretty interesing, including the 'too dark' one, which does quite nicely in a browser where one can turn off the styling. I'm a bit worried about that ex-virgin, but I figure he'll manage. Brits do. There ARE places worse than Blog*spot (geocities comes to mind)>

The ones who couldn't spell without doing cellphone slang ('4u' ' 2mmrw'... ack!) got clicked-off too fast for me to figure out whether or not they had anything to say.

Posted by: Kathy K at May 30, 2004 09:25 PM

I like lookin' at unknown blogs on occasions. I have actually discovered some great ones that way. I mean there are new bloggers startin' all the time, and some hang around, become good bloggers, other just quit after a week or so. It is interestin' to see people who are startin'. If you go back to my first few posts of last year, I was on the bottom of the bloggin' curve myself, It took me a few months to find my bloggin' niche.

Posted by: Tiger at May 30, 2004 10:22 PM