June 03, 2004

Thursday dawns with clocks flashin' clock.GIF

I guess I might have have been a bit psychic when I decided to post the Nightly Navel Gazin' Report™ last evenin' a bit prior to my regularly scheduled time, 'cause I had no sooner posted such, when a massive thunder cell moved into the area, a torrential downpour began, and the 'lectricity went kaput.

Oh, by the way, ya wanna know the corrollary to Murphy's Law that deals with creative writin'? The lack of access to adequate means of recordin' your thoughts is conversely proportional to the level of the brain's creative output.

Of course, I would have a massive court docket planned for today, so there I was --- bedtime, and I know that all my alarms are gonna be haywire when and if the 'lectricity comes back on. What to do, what to do? Well, there is an alarm function on my cell phone, so I go to set it to awake me at the appointed hour -- and notice its battery is very very low. Well, I plugged it into the charger and hoped the battery would last until the 'lectricity was restored so at least I would have some alarm to arouse me this morn.

I awoke with the crack of dawn, I guess. My head is already poundin' with a horrendous sinus headache, which will be addressed as soon as I am ready to begin the day. I want to eat somethin' to assist my stomach in dealin' with those sinus pills. O' course, the sinus alarm may have been my ultimate salvation, 'cause I discovered a problem with my cell phone alarm plan upon arisin'. The phone itself was set on silent mode.

Posted by Tiger at June 3, 2004 08:01 AM