June 08, 2004

Venus comes between Earth and Sun

Yep, the Venus transit across the face of the Sun as seen from some places on the Earth is today. It has begun. It may be over. It likely will not happen again in your lifetime. It is cloudy and rainy here and we are completely unable to even see the sun. From what I had previously heard, those in the US on the west side of the Mississippi River would not be in a position to see the phenomenon anyway. Oh well, there are always photographs. Here is one from a good vantage point in Islamabad.

Today would have been my mother's 69th birthday had she survived this long. RIP Mom. Speakin' of dead people, Reagan is still lyin' in state in California, in case ya want to go see what his dead carcass looks like. I have already seen all the dead carcasses I care to see, but doubt I am done with viewin' them for the remainder of my lifetime. Lookin' into cold lifeless eyes just always gives me the heebie-jeebies. I would rather view astronomical events than dead bodies.

Posted by Tiger at June 8, 2004 01:07 PM

I'm with you. And even worse are the people who feel compelled to PHOTOGRAPH the corpse while it lies in the casket! Ugh.

Posted by: pam at June 8, 2004 05:03 PM

Kindly send me the detail photographs of the transits of venus between sun and earth.

Posted by: ravindra at July 8, 2004 06:27 AM