June 18, 2004

Story says John Kerry is a crook

Yep, some law student, Jonathan M. Stein, says that Democratic candidate for President of the United States, John F. Kerry, is illegally acceptin' payment as a Senator that he is not supposed to be gettin' in accordance to the U.S. Law, and has filed an official ethics complaint. Of course, I am sure that JFKerry really needs the money to keep his family fed, right? I mean they can't just live off of ketchup, can they?

Thanks to Ironbear for shinin' the light of justice on this scene.

Posted by Tiger at June 18, 2004 07:50 PM

Is John Kerry Really A crook? I'm doing research for class and i need o know as much info as possible. Please respond with any information or websites that will help me.

Thank you

Posted by: Cameron at October 25, 2004 06:56 AM