It seems that the effort to shove the Neo-con agenda down the throats of the citizenry of Bloom County is not goin' the way it was imagined. While Opus ponders what went wrong, Bill ponders future efforts. Breathed took long enough to bring Bill the Cat back. It was a bit like watchin' one half of a comedy team -- although you were able to find an occasional chuckle, all the while you had a sneakin' feelin' somethin' was missin'. Now if'n there was only some way to reintroduce Steve Dallas . . .
Posted by Tiger at June 27, 2004 04:14 PMI read it for a bit after it came back, but I just couldn't get into it anymore. He lost his edge--it just wasn't nearly as funny as it was way back in da day.
Posted by: zombyboy at June 27, 2004 11:28 PM