It has rained and rained and rained. It seems that we have gotten over 10 inches of rain this month in the local area, most of which has come over the last week. We don't yet have the record, but it would only take the amount of rain that has fallen already today to come tomorrow to take it. The ground is saturated and so ever'thin' hittin' the ground is runnin' off to someplace. So far, the Paluxy seems to be stayin' well within its banks, but thinks could change.
It was so bad that Six Flags flooded and was closed. I have not heard that there was any floodin' at our local wildlife park that would be able to cause any severe problems to the animals. This is a really hilly area, though, so the terrain seems to always have somewhere above water within a short distance, if necessary. The latest docent newsletter mentioned that they had to close the Park durin' last week's rain storm when the water over portions of the road in the giraffe pasture made the road impassable, but no mention of any need to relocate any of the animals. In actuality, we need the water.
I know people get tired of it, but we have been in a drought through the last few summers and lakes, aquifers, and such are very very low. These major runoff rain storms do more to fill ever'thin' up better than these brief trickles here and there that we have gotten occasionally, of late.
Forecast is continued rainshowers, so the record might go. As records go, I would rather break the rainfall record for June than the most days with 100 plus weather. How many can claim to have lived through those 42 straight days from June 23rd to August 3rd -- way back in 1980?
Texas weather -- if ya don't like it, jes' hang 'round, 'cause 'tis liable to change at any moment.
[UPDATE: A record - 17 straight rainy days. Wow! I wonder if there is any correllation with the way the Rangers have been playin' 'gainst the Mariners and the Seattle-like weather we seem to be experiencin'.]
Posted by Tiger at June 29, 2004 06:34 PMAh, yes, I saw the Flaming Arrow of Death that summer! My hair ain't been the same since.
Posted by: Cowtown Pattie at June 29, 2004 09:37 PMI remember that summer, too. I wore kevlar to work, it was the first summer my Dept. required all of us to wear the vests. I swear I had jock itch from my eyebrows to my ankles.
Posted by: Peter at June 30, 2004 01:00 AMThe Navy had me stationed elsewhere that summer. Glad I missed it.
And Tig...Paluxy River? You must be a neighbor. I grew up in Brownwood.
Posted by: Boyd at July 1, 2004 11:32 AM