August 01, 2004

Aug. 1, 2004

Poor Pickles so wants to be a Princess in search of her Prince, but society, includin' Bill the Cat, Opus, and some African-American kid that was not identified during this strip are forcin' her to adopt feminism in conformity with the current gender rules governin' how life is supposed to be lived* ... I guess. I am always just a bit confused as to what the current gender rules governin' how life is supposed to be lived are on almost a daily basis, and suspect they change at the whim of some vile overlord whose goal is to make life on earth as miserable as possible on a continuin' basis. Hmmm, is that a round about way of sayin' ever'one is actually entitled to excuse their inane behavior with the phrase the Devil made me do it?

*Ever'thin' beyond this point constitutes blatant partisan editorializin'.

Posted by Tiger at August 1, 2004 01:52 PM