Oh my, in the words of Lt. Smash:
I CAN ONLY HOPE, should I ever feel the urge to run for office, I don't have a bunch of my former fellow officers waiting to ambush me like this*.Wow, now if the statements made concernin' the truthfulness of Kerry with reference to his military record and bogus purple hearts don't take the shine off of all those stupid "Bush Lied" arguments.
O' course, This Land** is still the No. 1 election related video currently goin' on the 'net.
[UPDATE: It seems that WizBang!*** not only is all over this story, but has also uploaded a .pdf file of a chapter entitled, "The Purple Heart Hunter" from the book written by John Kerry's companions durin' the time he was in Viet Nam.]
*Please note, that in the quoted text, Lt. Smash actually linked such word to this transcript of the advertisement than to the page displayin' the actual video of the ad.
**This link takes you to the atomfilms presentation of the film, whereas in this post, I provided a link to the originator's site.
***I did try to back out so as to get to the correct permalink to take you to the right post on the WizBang! site, but was given a dead page. It might jes' be that there is too much bandwidth bein' sucked up currently or somethin' so I am not sure you can reach that .pdf file at all times.
Posted by Tiger at August 5, 2004 10:45 AMi got that link in an email and then saw it again on someone else's site. it is so funny.
Posted by: TL at August 5, 2004 12:26 PMwhat i think is funny is i click on it and get to watch it but all my friends were complaining about a down load time. i didnt even notcie bc it took about 5 secs. LOL i love high speed
Posted by: TL at August 5, 2004 12:27 PM