August 08, 2004

It's way way too late, it seems, but better late than never?

Denita, Eric, Zane, and Zane's very angelic grandmother did drop by on the way home with the pup they hope will become Zane's best friend durin' his childhood. We all had a very pleasant lunch, the quick tour of my messy house and messy office, as well as a few of the historic sites around the courthouse square, but, regrettably, they were all a bit weary from their long excursion for me to give them a tour of the local wildlife park. I was thrilled that they got a chance to familiarize themselves with the area in which I live.

It is strange when plans you have had for a couple of days change at the last minute. I had suggested that I wanted to take them to the wildlife park when we met shortly on Thursday as they were on their way up to the Dallas area and I had been plannin' for our meetin' on their return trip since then. I was slightly disappointed that they aborted the tour and I lost my opportunity to show off all my knowledge about the animals and such, but I also understand that life on the road requires you to change your plans on a very spontaneous basis quite often, especially when you are on your way home and really ready to be there.

Later, in the evenin' after I discovered there was very little else I was all that interested in doin', I went into my much cooler bedroom to read a Dean Koontz book I have been havin' a real hard gettin' into for some reason, and, as usual, I fell fast asleep. I failed to awake at any later point and slept straight through the night. I was unconscious at the time I should have given the navel report. My neglectin' it was not purposeful, ya see. The navel, however, was oblivious to all that occurred and, therefore, was not involved in any decision makin'. End of report.

Posted by Tiger at August 8, 2004 08:16 AM

So sorry things did not work out on the visit the way you had planned for them to. Look on the bright side of things you got a heck of a nights sleep...
I am a new reader here and have linked so I will be returning often.

Posted by: Sweet N Sassy at August 8, 2004 02:09 PM

Readers are always welcome. Readers who also comment are especially welcome. ;)

Posted by: Tiger at August 8, 2004 05:06 PM

I was really bummed we had to go too, Tig. But Mom was really having a hard time towards the end of the visit and we had to hurry home for her sake, since we had to stop at my house before she took her car home. My brother said she was stumbling by the time she pulled into her drive. *sigh* I really hate those damn tumors in her head.

But it sounds like she's already planning on a return trip, so don't stay TOO depressed, hon! ;-)


Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at August 8, 2004 08:40 PM