August 09, 2004

Any interest in the quizzes?

I know I previously made one error on one of the prior quizzes that I created,. but surely one little mistake is not enough for everyone to avoid the rest of 'em, is it? I created a new one this past Saturday so as to give the few that were around somethin' to do. I have not gotten notice of a single person even tryin' to answer the questions on this one. They do take me an hour or so to create, not countin' how long I have to think to create the challengin' questions. The actual need to write out the question, formulate four different answers, and then go back over it after it is finished to make sure I selected the correct answer and such, I have put a bit of work into it. All I am askin' is, if no one is all that interested in them, why should I keep wastin' my time in creatin' them? I was jes' hopeful I was creatin' such for people's enjoyment, ya know?

Posted by Tiger at August 9, 2004 04:26 PM | TrackBack

Huh??!! I'm still catching up with everything! AACK! I didn't know there was a quiz on it already! :-0


Posted by: Denita TwoDragons at August 9, 2004 04:53 PM

I didnt realise i had done this one so i came to do and and then saw that like so many of the other quizes i got a 70 woohoo. blah lol

Posted by: TL at August 22, 2004 10:21 PM

TL, so far you are my biggest quiz fan and likely the reason I keep it up for now. As long as there is any interest, I will keep tryin' to come up with a new one each week. 70 is a good score.

Posted by: Tiger at August 23, 2004 01:10 PM