When I was younger, we had a sayin' ‘bout people who kinda went around hidin' themselves behind false personalities - plastic people, we called ‘em. Ya'll know the kinda people I'm talkin' ‘bout. When I originally entered into Internet adventures a half-decade plus a year or two ago, I readily detected the rash of fictitious personalities that preyed within chat rooms lookin' for whatever. I have recently noticed the quickly growin' supply of superb ways to create customized avatars existin' here and there. How close are we, I wonder, to a world where our most wondrous creatures exist totally within the electronic realm?
Posted by Tiger at August 25, 2004 08:52 PMI don't like these newfangled plastic personalities. Personalities should be made of aged and polished wood, although the metal ones are OK if tastefully decorated and painted in subdued colors.
Posted by: David Weisman at August 26, 2004 05:16 PMI finally get a quality comment! Woohoo!
Posted by: Tiger at August 26, 2004 08:19 PM