October 14, 2004

Where did that fit of exhaustion come from?

Well, again, I found myself gettin' too weary too early last eve' and ag'in neglected to post the obligatory report. I caught Smallville and missed the debate. As you can see, despite my utter weariness, I still have my priorities in the right order. I 'spect the verbiage that was slung 'round by the Presidential candidates in last night's televised mud-slingin' event will be much more interestin' when properly fisked. I guess all that remains is to find a proper fiskin' of such out there some place. I would ask my navel for a bit of assistance in findin' it, but said navel has effected and thoroughly sedentary pose. I 'spect it is physically incapable of be of any help of any kind in such endeavor. End of late report.

Posted by Tiger at October 14, 2004 07:29 AM